“Prepare it with oil on a griddle; bring it well-mixed and present the grain offering broken in pieces as an aroma pleasing (some translations say soothing) to the Lord.” Leviticus 6:21
“How, Father?” I asked. “Compared to Jesus’ offering (His life) , what could I possibly give You? What could I give that would be a pleasing or soothing aroma to You?” And He brought to mind Ephesians 5:2: “Be imitators of God as beloved children and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”
Amazing. It seems that my fragrant offering is as simple-and as difficult-as that. It all boils down to love. It’s giving up my whole self, in love and sacrifice to God and others. Sacrificing my life as a living sacrifice! God finds pleasure in that. I am challenged by this. Sure, I love God. And yes, I love people, too. But not the way Jesus does! I withhold some of myself, I shy away! I save back something for myself. Sometimes I’m reluctant to give my all, or to give my best. My offerings are often blemished by self-protection, self-preservation and pride.
And so I’m asking Him to help me offer Him a gift of love that, like Jesus, is a fragrant offering to Him. And, incredibly, I believe that even that intention of my heart is pleasing to Him.
“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise.” Psalm 51:17 These are things that are pleasing to Him, that come to Him as a sweet aroma in His nostrils, a broken spirit and a sorrowful heart!
In His love,
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