Rockin' Chair Gospel

Rockin' Chair Gospel
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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Faces (Poem)

Faces on the internet,
That’s all I ever see
Are they who they say they are
Or masks they wear for me

Is your name Pam or is it really James Dee
Is it really you or someone you long to be

Are you a man pretending to be a child
A murderer or a pedophile
Are you really seeking me
Or the child whose photos that you see

Are you really real
Or just imaginary
If it's friends you seek
Why all the secrecy
What are you hiding behind that false identity

Is it a broken heart, a missing mate
A story that needs told

An ugly heart full of hate
Or a heart of pure gold

The thing about it is my friend
I will never know
Because you always wear a mask
And you you will not show

Faces on the internet
Facebook or Christian Meet
Serial killer or Sweet Aunt Bea
You may never see
What’s really lurking behind that computer screen.

~ Elizabeth Parker

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