Rockin' Chair Gospel

Rockin' Chair Gospel
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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Bone Of My Bone, Flesh Of My Flesh

  Christians are aware that in the scriptures the church is referred to as the kingdom and the Savior as its King. But the New Testament has several other ways of referring to the relationship between Jesus and His followers, and some of these are metaphorical.

  For example: there is the head and the body, the vine and the branches, the shepherd and the sheep, and a number of others. Of all these figures of speech, for Jesus to be called the Bridegroom and His church the bride is most meaningful. We can all easily relate to this description since we have either been in such a relationship ourselves or have been very close to those who have. Some of the marriage terminology for the LORD and His church comes to us from the LORD Himself. Jesus said He was the Bridegroom (Mark 2:19), and John the Baptizer called himself the friend of the Bridegroom (John 3:29). Toward the end of His life’s work on earth Jesus gave a parable of an impending wedding in which Jesus is obviously the Bridegroom for which the people were waiting (Matthew 25:1-13). And then Paul made some touching remarks representing Jesus as a husband and the church as His wife (Ephesians 5:22-33). This brings to mind certain actions and/or responsibilities on the part of both parties that it would be well for us to remember. As we read in Ephesians 5, Christ is clearly an analogy for the husband, and the church is clearly an analogy for the wife. Not only is this relationship analogous, the relationship of Christ and the church is to be seen as the example and model for how spouses are to relate to each other in their respective roles (v. 24-30). In v. 29-30, Paul argues that Christ nourishes and cherishes His church as a husband does for his wife, because we are members of Christ’s body. Paul then quotes Genesis 2:24 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”

Now that takes us back to the beginning.  

 “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them". And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper compatible to him.” And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib that the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man(Genesis 1:27;2:18,21,22). Adam was put to sleep, his side opened, and from this opened side God took one of his ribs and formed Eve. Eve was taken out of Adam and then God presented her back to Adam, for Eve was a part of the very being of Adam; but separate from Eve, (two halves of a whole) Adam was incomplete. In this respect, Eve, being presented back to Adam for a completed Adam and provided completeness for Eve as well. And, in the highest sense, God looked upon the existing union as one flesh (Genesis 2:21-24). BUT the bride of Christ has existed in the Son from eternity. The bride’s existence and salvation date from before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4; Revelation 13:8). The bride, however, could not be brought into existence as a separate being until after the Son had been put to sleep and His side opened. This happened at Calvary. The Son was put to sleep (died), and His side was opened. Water (representative of birth) poured out of this opened side (John 19:34) and the bride (the church) was birthed. Blood and water, also the two elements necessary to bring into existence the bride, separate from the body, but still part of the body (John 19:34) as Eve was separate from Adam but part of Adam. Once the complete, redeemed bride has been brought into existence through the means that God has provided, the Bride will be presented back to the Son, completing the Son and providing completeness for the Bride as well (Hebrews 2:10). And, in the highest sense, God will look upon the union of Christ and His Bride as “one flesh” (Ephesians 5:26-32). Hallelujah! Him in me and me in Him! 

  A true marriage covenant requires total fidelity. Total fidelity is composed of spiritual, emotional, and physical fidelity. Spiritual fidelity requires both husband and wife to face up to their responsibility of helping each other grow in faith, to achieve their final destiny of eternal life with God, and you do this by praying together, studying the Word together, and putting God in the middle of your marriage (a three strand cord is not easily broken). Emotional fidelity gives a sense of importance, (validates) of being someone the other cares for and cares about. Physical fidelity is the culmination of a lifelong fidelity ‘in sickness and in health” and of intimacy. Matrimonial love requires unbreakable fidelity. Love is not an arrangement “until further notice”. One should always enter in marriage with the mind set, ‘this is forever’ because it is an “until death do us part” covenant. Marriage itself demands total fidelity. This teaching is based upon God’s fidelity to the Old Covenant and Christ’s fidelity to His Church, His Bride. Here are some correlations between Christ and His Bride and a husband and His wife: Becoming ONE with the Lord is the privilege of every one who is in Christ, His Bride. (Ephesians 1:3) Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (they became one).(Genesis 2:23) We were joined to another, even to Him who was raised from the dead, that we might bring forth fruit unto God. (Romans 7:4). Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply” (bear fruit) (Genesis 1:28). The Bride of Christ will take His name (Isaiah. 62:2). It is that “worthy or honorable” name by which you are called (James 2:7) who are called by My name (2 Chronicles 7:14) When a man marries a woman, she takes on his name. Christ loves and cherishes His Bride. (Jesus “nourishes and cherishes” the church.) (Ephesians. 5:29) “Husbands, love your wives (brides), just as Christ loved the church (His bride) and gave Himself up for her”(Ephesians 5:25) Christ requires, no… demands fidelity from His bride. Jesus is a jealous Husband! (Deuteronomy 6:15)”I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy: for I espoused you to one husband, that I might present you as a pure virgin to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11:2) You are to have no other gods (husbands) before Me. (Exodus 20:3) “Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled.” (Hebrews 13:4). You are to bring no other into the marriage bed. Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. 
(Hebrews 13:4) Christ’s relationship with the church (His bride) is compared to a bridegroom and his bride, showing the holiness of the marriage relationship. For this reason Christ also requires fidelity between a husband and wife. In fact fidelity is so important to Him He made it the seventh commandment. (Exodus 20:14)

  Marriage is a covenant between a man, a woman and God and is not to be entered into lightly, carelessly but with reverence, honor, love and total fidelity.

   Last but not least marriage is a ’till death us do part’ covenant. Jesus, “having loved His own that were in the world, He loved them unto the end” (John 13:1). And I will betroth you to Me forever. I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy. (Hosea 2:19) Christ nourishes and cherishes the Church as being of one flesh with Him. There is a close and intimate union between the Christian and the Savior, a union so intimate that they may be spoken of as, “flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone”. It is not a physical union, but a union of attachment; of feeling; of love, of being complete…..a relationship. This signifies our union with Christ, which is accomplished through faith and by grace. 

 In His love,


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