Rockin' Chair Gospel

Rockin' Chair Gospel
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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

It's The Real Deal

 It ain’t no smoke and mirrors’s the real deal!

   Bushes that burn with a consuming flame....yet remained unconsumed! A gigantic, fearsome warrior, towering almost 10 feet tall....humbled by a small shepherd boy’s slingshot! Handwriting burnt into a wall by a flaming disembodied hand! Sandals that don’t wear out, even after forty years of wandering in the desert! Water turned into wine, over 5,000 fed with just 2 fish and 5 loafs of bread, a man who walked on water, and lets not forget....a man called out from the dead! Yep, it’s all in there and it’s the real deal!

   But if you have a problem believing these stories, hang on to your hat cause I’m fixin’ to reveal to you the biggest mystery of them all and if you don’t believe in the things I just described to you, how on earth will you believe this one. The biggest miracle and unbelievable of them all....a baby born to a virgin....conceived of Holy Spirit, lived a life without sin, died and rose from the dead, ascended up to Heaven AND He’s coming back again! Hallelujah!

   The Bible is a book of wonders and marvels, tales that defy nature’s laws, challenge our misconceptions, turn logic upside down and sideways and again and again, test our faith in what is possible.

   And that’s the point, of course. For the stories in the Bible are tales of faith, not reason! Some have been known to call them myths, say they never happened. But these stories are beyond reason, they’re not directed to our brains but to our spirit. The mortal mind hasn’t a clue! They challenge us to believe in the power of faith....a power that makes all things possible. A power that says if you just have the faith the size of a tiny mustard seed.... all things are possible for you.

  The Bible is written in the language of mystery, but this is not the smoke and mirrors magic of a Las Vegas’s the deeper, spiritual, supernatural mystery of God’s will in this world!

   These stories are not to be read with the eyes but with the heart....the spirit! The eyes won’t always believe what they see but the heart knows what the heart knows!

   Have a God blessed wonder filled day in Jesus’ name!

In His love,


I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. I believe He lived a life without sin but became sin in order that you and I may live as He lived.

I believe He suffered horribly under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; He descended to hell, took possession of the keys to live, death and the grave. All life is in His hands!

I believe on the third day He rose from the dead. He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father ever praying for me.

I believe in the Holy Ghost whom the Father sent to teach us, guide us, walk with us, comfort us, and to most within us.

I believe in the ‘rapture’ of the blood bought Church of the Living God! My eyes are ever watchful for the Eastern sky to burst wide open and my ears are tuned and listening for the sound of that great and mighty voice calling, “Arise My Bride!”

(And when He does, you can color me outta’ here!) *smile*

I believe that there’s life after death and you’re gonna’ live forever somewhere be it Heaven or Hell. That is your decide. God says today is the day of salvation! I lay before you life and death, heaven or hell....choose life and live!


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