Rockin' Chair Gospel

Rockin' Chair Gospel
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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Sun Began to Shine

God Himself bridged the chasm between God and man!

 I n the darkness of an eclipsed sun, (Luke 23:44,45 “It was now about the sixth hour, and darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour, for the sun stopped shining.”) He and a Lamb stood in the Holy of Holies. He laid the Lamb on the altar of the cross. Not the lamb of a priest or Jew or a shepherd but the sweet, holy and pure Lamb of God. The angels silently cried and warm tears fell down on their face, the first human emotion they have ever experienced, as the blood of this precious sacrifice (God's only Son, the Holy Lamb of God) began to fall. Where had dropped the blood of lambs, now dropped the blood of life. Which had once brought death now was giving life! Where each drop of blood blossomed! 

 Hallelujah! Thank you Lord!

 And then it happened! Praise God! The Father looked at the curtain that stood between us and His Son and said, "No more!" And it was torn in two, not just torn but ripped from the top to the bottom. Why the top to the bottom? So no man can say, "I did this!" "But far be it from me to glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world hath been crucified unto me, and I unto the world." (Galatians 6:14)

 If I should boast of anything, let it be only that my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life! Glory to God!

 "No more!" It is finished! There is nothing else to be done! There is nothing you can add to what Jesus did on the cross! He offered Himself as the Sacrifice for our sins so you and I could walk in freedom. And I don't know about you but I choose to walk in that freedom that He died to give me. No way would I ever look in the Savior's eyes and dare to say to Him, "What you did was not enough!" Why do people try to finish His finished work?" It grieves my heart and if it grieves my heart, imagine how it grieves the heart of Holy Spirit.

 "No more curtain!" "No more separation!" We now have full access to the throne. The King has an open door policy, open 24/7 day and night. We need not have to wait till the King holds out His scepter and bid us come. We, as His children can approach the throne boldly with our petitions and be heard and have His undivided attention. Thank you Father! We have no need for a priest to forgive our sins!  Hallelujah!  Only Jesus has the authority to forgive sins!

 "No more sacrifice!" The only sacrifice God desires is you! I offer up to you me Lord as a living sacrifice to you! Take me and use me! Make me a vessel of honor, sanctified and fit for the Master's table. This old vessel has been used, abused, flawed and cracked, full of imperfections but if you can use's yours!

And the sun began to shine again!

In His love,


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