A wide open window, a tightly closed door
It’s the gentle breeze dancing with the leaves
It’s the humming of the busy bee
It’s the blue bird playing in the rain
It’s the squirrels playing chase, catch me if you can
It’s the little dog laying at my feet
Who loves me even when I’m not so sweet
It’s the sun peeking through the clouds
It’s the clap of thunder making Lil Bear growl
It’s the feel of the Spring rain on my face
That makes me want to dance, swing and sway
It’s the bright yellow moon that closes out the day
It’s the beauty of a sunset in it’s finest array
It’s the majestic rainbow so vast and wide
It’s the tiny little hummingbird that makes me smile
It’s the laughter of a child, the sigh of the aged
One making memories, one remembering past days
The beauty of Your creation takes my breath away
O’ Lord I see You everywhere
As I sit gazing from my easy chair
I lift my voice to You in praise
As I thank You Lord for the little things
~ Elizabeth Parker 12/12/2015
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