Rockin' Chair Gospel

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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Mary Magdalene, Disciple or Prostitute

 “Now it came to pass, afterward, that He went through every city and village, preaching and bringing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with Him, and certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities. Mary called Magdalene, out of whom had come seven demons…and many others who provided for Him from their substance.” (Luke 8:1-3, NKJV)

 A disciple is one who follows the example of a teacher, learning their ways and doctrines and imitating them. Jesus had 12 male disciples. These men stayed with Him, traveled where He traveled, slept where He slept, listened to Him teach and preach, and ultimately were commissioned to spread the message of the Gospel into all the nations. The women who accompanied Him also chose to leave their own life behind to follow Jesus. They wanted to give out of what had been given to them. They remembered the life they had come from, the brokenness, the infirmities and the emptiness.

  A disciple’s heart springs forth from a repentant heart. It is not a “fix me” attitude, one that is self-seeking or even belittling ones self. However, it does involve admitting that the past way of doing things didn’t work, and that there is a need for guidance in making the right decisions. A disciple is one who not only receives the guidance, but takes what they have learned and applies it by walking in obedience, love and respect. The name Magdalene suggests her origin as the town of Magdala, on the Sea of Galilee’s western shore. But the Bible doesn’t tell us who her family was, or even what she was thinking the day she first met her Savior. The Bible IS clear about the life Mary led after her deliverance. It was one of change, and of self-sacrifice. Mary Magdalene knew what it meant to follow Jesus!

  This writer believes that Mary Magdalene was one of these disciples. Her continual devotion to Jesus came out of her heart as His disciple. Mary Magdalene, the woman out of whom Jesus cast seven demons, was never again the same. We have no record of Mary’s parentage, her marital status or her age. That she was free to follow Jesus in His journeyings would suggest that she had no home obligations; biblical texts say nothing about when she was born or died. Like Jesus’ male disciples, Mary Magdalene appears to have come from Galilee. She was with Him at the beginning of His ministry in Galilee and continued after His execution. She was at His crucifixion and His resurrection! Mary went with her Lord into the shadows, and is thus represented as being among those who followed Jesus on His last sad journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. And as they followed, they still “ministered unto Him.” Mary was present with the other holy women at the mock trial of Jesus. No longer is He on the road with crowds gathering and hanging on His every word. Fearless in His declaration and accusations, He is arrested and tried for His life. All of His male disciples but one had deserted Him, but Mary never did. The poet reminds us—
Not she with traitorous kiss her Master stung,
Not she denied Him with unfaithful tongue;
She, when Apostles fled, could dangers brave,
Last at the Cross, and earliest at the grave.

  Mary was present in Pilate’s Hall and saw and heard the religious leaders clamoring for the blood of Him who was so precious to her heart. She listened as Pontius Pilate pronounced His death sentence of crucifixion although he had found no fault in Him. She witnessed and wept as Jesus left the hall to be spat upon and beaten beyond recognition by the crowd thirsting for His blood. Then she saw Him led out to Calvary to be nailed to a tree.

  Was Mary Magdalene a prostitute? Only the Western church has said that she was. The Eastern church has always honored her as an apostle, noting her as the “apostle to the apostles,” based on the account of the Gospel of John which has Jesus calling her by name and telling her to give the news of His resurrection to the other disciples. Where are the passages about her physical relationship with Christ? Where are the hints of erotic behavior? Where is the sexualized version of Mary Magdalene? In truth, the new version of Mary Magdalene is a figment of someone’s imagination.

  Mary Magdalene is not mentioned often in the gospel texts, but she does appear at key moments and has become an important figure for those interested in the role of women in early Christianity as well as in Jesus’ ministry. She accompanied Him throughout His ministry and travels. She anointed Him and even washed His feet with her tears. She was a witness to His death, which, according to Mark, appears to be a requirement in order to truly understand Jesus’ nature. She was a witness to the empty tomb and as mentioned above, was instructed by Jesus to carry the news to the other disciples. John says that the risen Jesus appeared to her first. It’s also been said that she helped pay for Jesus’ ministry out of her own pocket. (Luke 8:1-3, NKJV)

  Mary Magdalene’s role in the canonical gospels is small; in non-canonical gospels like Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip and the Acts of Peter, she plays a prominent role, often asking intelligent questions when all the other disciples were confused. Jesus is depicted as loving her more than any of the others because of her understanding. Some even referred to her as His beloved. Some readers have interpreted Jesus ‘love’ here as physical, not just spiritual but this writer disagrees with that! Her ongoing role in the early church is subject to speculation, but she is indeed getting more respect in theological circles, not for being Mary Magdalene a prostitute but for being a faithful follower of her Rabboni, her teacher, her mentor. Mary Magdalene apparently was a devout, faithful follower of Christ. Not a shred of solid biblical or extrabiblical evidence suggests she played the role of harlot, wife, mother, or secret lover. The New Testament, as the oldest, most reliable witness to her identity, testifies loudly and clearly about her genuine faithfulness to the Lord. Mary Magdalene loved Jesus and understood Him like no other. I believe she found in Jesus for the first time, a man who saw her for who God created her to be and loved her purely also in a way she never knew before Him. An amazing healing throwing the chains off of her heart and soul kind of love. He could talk to her because she understood Him. She knew Him, knew His heart! I believe they may have been ‘best’ friends, even soul mates but never lovers as some believe.  I believe she found in Jesus for the first time, a man who saw her for who God created her to be and loved her purely also in a way she never knew before Him. An amazing healing throwing the chains off of her heart and soul kind of love. I know because that's what He did for me and many other women down through the ages. 

  If a disciple is described as a follower than I definitely believe Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus’ most beloved disciples! Some have even hinted that when John speaks of the disciple that Jesus loved, he was referring to Mary Magdalene.

In His love,

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